

Faculty Advisors:

Applied Geophysics

Students need to qualify the JAM examination. See JAM website for details

First year – Prof. G. Mohan

Second year – Prof. Anand Singh

Course Name L T P C
GP 502 Well Logging 3 0 0 6
GP 506 Geophysical Inverse Theory 2 0 0 4
Elective II 3 0 0 6
GP 518 Process Geomorphology, Remote Sensing and GIS 3 0 0 6
Elective III / Institute Elective 3 0 0 6
GP 520 Project Work ## 8
Total 14 0 0 36
Formal Contact hours: 14 Credits: 36
Elective II, Elective III
GS 534 Tectonics and Crustal Evolution
GS 556 Petroleum and Coal Geology
GP 512 Rock Physics
GP 516 Petroleum Geology and Petrophysics