GP 413: Mineralogy and Petrology


Chemistry of minerals; atomic bonding; crystal structure & crystal systems; rock-forming and economic minerals; major silicate mineral groups (quartz, feldspar, pyroxene, amphibole, mica, olivine and garnet) & their diagnostic physical properties; common oxide, sulphide, sulphate and carbonate minerals; phase transformations in the Earth’s interior; basic optical mineralogy. Partial melting & generation of magmas; crystallization of magma; Bowen’s reaction series; forms of intrusive & extrusive igneous bodies; mineralogy, textures and structures of common felsic, mafic & ultramafic igneous rocks; magmatism in relation to tectonic settings; radioactivity & dating of rocks. Metamorphism and metamorphic facies; mineralogy, textures and structures of common metamorphic rocks; low grade and high grade metamorphic terranes. Formation of sediments & sedimentary rocks: their compositions, textures & structures; origin & classification of conglomerate, sandstone, shale & limestone; sedimentary environments & facies; characteristics of non-marine, transitional & marine environments.


  • Mukerjee, P.K. A Textbook of Geology, World Press, 1997
  • Rutley, F. Elements of Mineralogy, CBS, 1991
  • Ehlers, E.G. & Blatt, H. Petrology: Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic, CBS, 1987
  • Pettijohn, F.J. Sedimentary rocks, III Ed., Harper & Row, 1975
  • Sengupta, S.M. Introduction to Sedimentology, Oxford & IBH, 1994