GP 512: Rock Physics


Fundamentals and Principles of Rock Physics, their Scope and Utility, Concepts of Elasticity, Plasticity and Viscosity, Rock Permeability, Porosity, Elastic Properties of the Fluids, Seismic Wave Propagation, Rock Composition and AVO, Rock Structures Evaluation, Rock Properties Model. In-Situ Stress Measurement, Role of Fractures in Seismic behaviour, Pore pressure, Fluid Migration, Permeability model for fracture Rock, Scaling properties of fluid flow in fracture rock, Constitutive model, Seismic signature, Logging of Fracture reservoir, Role of stresses in modulating fractures, Correlation between Static and Dynamic Model, Rock Anisotropy and its Causes, Influence of Stress on Seismic Anisotropy, Detection and Quantification of Seismic Anisotropy, Triaxial Deformation or Rock, Damage Mechanics of Rock and Crack Propagation, State of Stress under Tectonic Load, Rock Tomography, Time dependency of rock deformations.


  • M. Garg, T. Mukherjee, and J. Dvorkin, The Rock Physics, Hand Book, Cambridge University Press, 2000
  • G. Yves and P. Victor, Introduction to the Rock Physics, Princeton University Press, 1994
  • J.L. Bles, and B. Feuga, The Fracture of Rocks, North Oxford Press, 1986
  • J.D. Achenbach, Wave Propagation in Elastic solids, North-Holland Publishing Company 1973
  • V.Q. RzLevisky and G. Novik, The Physics of Rocks, MIR Publishers, Moscow.1975