Dr. Dornadula Chandrasekharam
Department of Earth Sciences
dchandra [at] iitb.ac.in
Web : http://dchandra.geosyndicate.com/
Research Areas Of Interest:
Hydrogeochemistry and Geothermics:
- Groundwater resources assessment/ evaluation
- Saltwater intrusion into coastal aquifers
- Arsenic and fluoride pollution in groundwater
- Chemical evolution of geothermal springs
- Geothermal energy resources evaluation (for power generation and direct use)
- Low temperature rock-water interaction experiments
Deccan Volcanics:
- Flow stratigraphy based on field
- Geochemical and paleomagnetic studies
- Regional correlation of flows using trace element and isotopic signatures
- petrogenesis and evolution
Barren Island and Narcondum Volcanos:
- Geochemistry and evolution of the volcanic rocks and associated fumeroles of Barren Island volcano and Narcondum volcano, Andaman sea
Sponsored Projects (Appendix 4): Completed: 6; Ongoing: 3
Educational Qualifications:
- Ph.D 1979 IIT Bombay **
- M.Sc 1972 IIT Bombay Applied Geology
(** Thesis: Tectonism and Volcanism of the Deccan Traps)
TEACHING EXPERIENCE (appendix 6): 23+ Years
- 5 yr. (Senior Scientist) : Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Calicut,Kerala: 1980-1985
- 2 yr. (Senior Scientist) Centre for Earth Science Studies, Trivandrum, Kerala: 1985-1987(on deputation)
- 21+ yr.(Professor) Dept. Earth Sci.,IIT Bombay: 1987-till date
- Ph.D: Completed: 14; In progress: 6
- M.Tech: Completed: 15; In progress: 1
- M.Sc: Completed: 26; In progress: 2
PUBLICATIONS: (Appendix 3)
- International Journals: 80+
- National Journals: 37+
- Research Reports (Classified): 25
- Chapter in Books: 3
- Books: 4 (edited), 1 (text book)
Professor, Department of Earth Sciences
Head, Dept Earth Sciences ( 2000-2003)
Head, Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering (2002- 2008)
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India
Ph: 91-22- 2572 6568 (H) / 2576 8263 (H) / 2576 7263 (O)
Fax: 91-22-2578 3480 / Web: www.geosyndicate.com/dchandra
email: dchandra@iitb.ac.in / dchandra50@gmail.comKNOWLEDGE IN INSTRUMENTATION TECHNIQUES/ Software
X-ray Diffraction Unit (DMax-1C RIGAKU with search match software)
SEM-Edax system (JEOL); Electron Microprobe (JEOL)
AAS (NEW LAB); GC (Shimadzu); Windows-96; Microsoft Excel; Origin-5; Microsoft word; Microsoft Office; Power PointACADEMIC DISTINCTIONS:
IIT Silver Medal (M.Sc); National Scholarship Award (B.Sc. and M.Sc).
DRDO (Defense Research & Development Organization) 2007 Academic Excellence award.RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT/ CONSULTATIONS: (Appendix 5)
R and D projects (Patent pending): = 3; Consultation Projects: Completed = 41; Ongoing = 2
Technical Consultant
Technical team member and Technical consultant to M/s Avin Energy Systems Limited, Gujarat.
- Organized UNESCO sponsored short course on “Geological Parameters for environmental Protection” Feb 25-2 March 2002 at IIT Bombay, India.
- Conducted a Short Course on “Geothermal Energy Resources in Developing Countries” between 18-20 October 2002 at Mar del Plata, Argentina (32nd IAH Congress) .
- Conducted a workshop on “Natural arsenic in groundwater” between 21-25, October, 2002 at Mar del Plata, Argentina (32nd IAH Congress).
- Conducted workshop on “Natural arsenic in groundwater” between 13-19 August, 2004, at the 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy.
- Conducted QIP short course for University teacher on “Geothermal energy resources” 27 September 3 October 2004, IITB.
- Conducted short Course on “Low Enthalpy geothermal resources”, 15 -27th May 2009, A G H University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland.
- Invited lecture “Low Enthalpy Geothermal Resources for Power Generation: Geo-Powering the rural communities” ICS-UNIDO, Ethiopia, 8-12 June 2009.
- Conducted “School in Geothermics” at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Centre, Trieste, Italy” 26th October – 7 November 2009.
- Conducted short Course on “Arsenic pollution in groundwater-West Bengal” at the China University of Geosciences, Beijing & Wuhan: 30 November-5th December, 2009
Name and Address of Referees
- Prof. Ram. S. Sharma, Emeritus Professor, Department of Geology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302004, India. Ph: 91-141- 700989
- Dr. Angelo Minissale, C.N.R. Centro di Studio per la Minerogenesi e la Geochimica Applicata, via la G Pira 4, 50121, Firenze, Italy. Fax: 0039-55- 284571
- Director, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay 400076, India. Ph: 91-22-257270000
Awards And Distinctions
- Senior Associate “Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy” 2002 – 2007.
- ICTP ( International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste) Fellowship under ICTP-CNR Programme 1997.
- TWAS Visiting Professor ) to Sana’a University, Yemen Republic: 1996-2001.
- Board of Directors, International Geothermal Association
- Board of Directors, Indian Rare Earths Ltd ( Dept. Atomic Energy)
- Board of Directors, Western Coalfields Ltd., Coal India, Ministry of Coal
- Board of Directors, O N G C; Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
Membership in Professional Bodies:
- IGCP 317 Paleoweathering and Paleosurfaces;
- International Geothermal Association
- Geothermal Resources Council, U S A
- Current Science Association, India
- International Association for Hydrogeologists
Honorary work:
- Member, Board of Examiners (Ph.D. thesis) Madras University
- Member, Board of Examiners “ Kerala University
- Member, Board of Examiners “ Andhra University
- Member, Board of Examiners “ Mumbai University
- Member, Board of Examiners “ Cochin University
- Member, Board of Examiners “ Anna University
- Member, Project Review Committee (young scientists), DST
- Member, Expert Committee, NRDMS, DST, Govt. India.
(Natural Resources Data Management System) - Member, Natural Resources evaluation Committee, Govt. Madhya Pradesh
- Member, Editorial Board- Jr. Mineralogical and Petrological Sci., Japan
- Member, Expert Panel, Dept. Sci. Tech., India (2004-2008)
- Member, Editorial Board: Journal of Advanced Researches on Geology, USA
- 1994:
- Subbarao,K.V., Navaneethakrishnan, P. and Chandrasekharam, D. Geomagnetic polarity change in the central Deccan Traps and its significance in regional correlation of Deccan basalts. Geol. Soc. India Memoir, 29, pp 81-92.
- Subbarao,K.V., Chandrasekharam, D. and Navaneethakrishnan, P. Stratigraphy and structure of parts of the central Deccan basalt province: eruptive models. in “Volcanism” (Ed) K.V.Subbarao, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, pp 331-332.
- 1995:
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Antu, M.C. Geochemistry of Tattapani thermal springs, Madhya Pradesh, India: Field and experimental investigations. Geothermics, 24, pp 553-559.
- Chandrasekharam, D. Industrial applications of geothermal energy. Industrial Products Finder, 23, pp 223-225.
- Chandrasekharam, D. A prehistoric view of the thermal springs of India.. Proced. World Geothermal Congress (Etds) E.Barbier, G.Frey, E.Iglesias and G.Palmason. . Inter. Geothermal Asso., 1, pp 385-388.
- Chandrasekharam, D. Steam emanations due to seismic pumping, Killari, Maharashtra. Geol. Survey. India Sp. Pub. 27, pp 229-233.
- 1996:
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Jayaprakash, S. J. Geothermal Energy assessment : Bugga and Manuguru thermal springs, Godavari valley, Andhra Pradesh. Geoth. Res. Bulletin, 25, pp 19-21.
- Anitha, V. P., Major, S., Chandrasekharam, D. and Bhatnagar, M. Deposition of Mo2 N thinfilms by RF reactive magnetron sputtering. Surface Coating Tech., 79, pp 50-54.
- Yadav, S. K., Ron, N., Chandrasekharam, D., Khilar, K. C., Suresh, A. K. and Nadkarni, V. M. Polyurias by interfacial polycondensation -preparation and properties. Jour. Macro Mol. Sci. (Phy) B 35, pp 807-827.
- Chandrasekharam, D. Rao, V. G. and Jayaprakash, S. J. Geothermal Energy potential and direct use of Geothermal springs, Godavari valley, Andhra Pradesh, Geol. Sur. India, Sp. Pub., 45, pp 155-161.
- 1997:
- Sheth, H. C. and Chandrasekharam, D. Plume-rift interaction in the Deccan volcanic province. Phy .Earth. Planet. Inter., 99, pp 179-187.
- Sheth, H. C. and Chandrasekharam, D. Early alkaline magmatism in the Deccan Traps: Implications for plume incubation and lithosperic rifting. Phy. Earth. Planet. Inter., 104, pp 371-376.
- Ramanathan, A. and Chandrasekharam, D. Geochemistry of Rajapur and Puttur thermal springs, west coast of India J. Geo. Soc. India , 49, pp 559-565.
- Sheth, H. C., Duncan, R. A., Chandrasekharam, D. and Mahoney, J. J. Deccan Trap dioritic gabbros from the western Tapi – Satpura region. Curr. Sci., 72, pp 755-757.
- 1998:
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Prasad, S. R.Geothermal system in Tapi rift basin, Northern Deccan Province, India. 9th Water – Rock Interaction (Eds) G.B.Arehart and J.R. Hulston, A.A. Balkema, Pub.Co., The Netherlands, pp 667-670.
- Chandrasekharam, D. Potential geothermal-HDR sites and prospects of geothermal energy in India. Inter. Geother. Ass. Newsletter , 30, 8-9.
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Sheth, H. C. 1997. Significance of flow stratigraphy in deciphering erosional history of flood basalt province. IV International Conf. Geomorphology, Bologna, Italy (Abstract), 110.
- Fara, M., Chandrasekharam, D. and Minissle, A. Hydrogeochemistry of Damt thermal springs, Yemen Republic, Geothermics, 28,241-252.
- Sheth, H. C., Chandrasekharam, D. and Kesav, S. Field geology, petrography and orthopyroxene clusters of the Dhule- Parola dike, Tapi valley, central Deccan basalts province.Curr. Sci., 74, pp 252-254.
- Sikder, A.K., Sarda, T., Misra, D. S., Chandrasekharam, D. and Selvam, P Chemical vapour deposition of diamond on stainless steel: the effect of Ni-diamond composite coated buffer layer. Diamond and Related Materials, 7, 1010-1013.
- 1999:
- Sikder, A. K., Sharda, T., Misra, D. S., Chandrasekharam, D., Velachamy, P., Minoura, H. and Selvam, P. Diamond deposition on Ni/Ni–diamond coated stainless steel substrate. J.Mater.Res.,14,1-5.
- Chandrasekharam, D., Mahoney, J. J., Sheth, H. C. and Duncan, R. A Elemental and Nd-Sr-Pb isotope geochemistry of flows and dikes from the Tapi rift, Deccan flood basalt province, India. J. Volcanol.Geother.Res. 93, 111-124.
- Biju Mathew and Chandrasekharam, D.Trace element distribution and cobalt content in sulphide ores of Kalyadi, Karnataka. Curr. Sci. 77, 1413-1416.
- Chandrasekharam, D. A Prehistoric view of the Thermal Springs of India in “Stories from a Heated Earth” (Etds). R.Cataldi, S.F.Hodgson and J.Lund. Geothermal Resources Council Pub., California, 357-366.
- 2000:
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Vinod, K. C. Clinopyroxenite xenoliths from the Deccan Traps of Kutch and Bombay. Curr. Sci.78, 607-610.
- Mahoney, J. J., Sheth, H. C., Chandrasekharam, D. and Peng, Z.E Geochemistry of flood basalts of the Toranmal section, Northern Deccan Traps, India: Implications for regional Deccan Stratigraphy. Jour. Petrol. 41, 1099-1120.
- Minissale, A., Vaselli, O., Chandrasekharam, D., Magro, G., Tassi, F. and Casiglia, A. Origin and evolution of ” itracratonic” thermal fluids from central-western Peninsular India. Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett., 181, 377-394.
- Chandrasekharam, D., Vaselli, O., Sheth, H.C. and Kesav, S. Petrogenetic significance of ferro-enstatite orthopyroxene in basaltic dikes from the Tapi rift, Deccan flood basalt province, India. Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett. 179, 469- 476.
- Al-Kebsi, Y. A. and Chandrasekharam, D. Saltwater contamination in the coastal aquifer, Tihama plain, Wadi Surdud, Yemen Republic. In “Groundwater 2000” Proceed. (Etds). P.L.Bjerg, P.Engesgaard and T.D. Krom, A.A.Balkema Pub.Com. The Netherlands, pp 223-224.
- Chandrasekharam, D., Lekha, S. and Shah, S. Groundwater contamination due to salt-panning activity at Vasai-Palghar coastal zone, northern Mumbai, India. In “Groundwater 2000” Proceed. (Etds). P.L.Bjerg, P.Engesgaard and T.D. Krom, A.A.Balkema Pub.Com. The Netherlands, pp 233-234.
- Chandrasekharam, D. Geothermal energy resources of India- Country update. Proceedings, World Geothermal Congress 2000, (Edts) E. Iglesias, D. Blackwell, T.Hunt, J.Lund, S.Tamanyu and K. Kimbara. pp- 133-145.
- 2001:
- Chandrasekharam, D. Opportunities for small scale geothermal power projects in India. Indust. Prod. Finder, 29, 203-205.
- Chandrasekharam, D. Julie Karmakar., Berner, Z. and Stueben, D. Arsenic contamination in groundwater, Murshidabad district, West Bengal. Proceed. Water-Rock Interaction 10, (Ed. Cidu) A.A.Balkema, The Netherlands. 1051-1058
- Chandrasekharam, D. Use of Geothermal energy for food processing- Indian Status. Quart. Bull., Geo-heat Centre, Oregon, U.S.A. 22- 8-12.
- Chandrasekharam, D. Helium extraction from thermal gases-Indian geothermal provinces. Inter. Geother. Asso. News Letter, June 2001.
- 2002:
- Book:
- “Geothermal Energy Resources for Developing Countries” Eds: D.Chandrasekharam and Jochen Bundschuh, AA Balkema Pub., The Netherlands. 412 p.(2002).
- 2003:
- Minissale, A., Chandrasekharam, D., Vaselli, O., Magro, G., Tassi, F., Passini, G.L. and Bhrambat, A. Geochemistry, geothermics and relationship to active tectonics of Gujarat and Rajasthan thermal dischsrges, India. J. Vol.Geoher.Res., 127, 19-32.
- Doris Stueben, Zsolt Berner, Chandrasekharam, D. and Julie Karmakar. Arsenic pollution in groundwater of West Bengal, India: Geochemical evidences for mobilization of As under reducing conditions. App. Geochem,18,1417-1434.
- Hema T C., Chandrasekharam,D. and Jalihal, A. A. Fluoride contamination of groundwater in India- country update. Proceedings-Symposium on Intensive use of Groundwater: Challenges and Opportunities (sinex) Valencia – Spain; 10 to 14 December 2002 (p102-110).
- Doris Stüben., Zsolt Berner, Wagner,F., Norra, S., Agarwala, P., D. Chandrasekharam, and Chatterjee, D. Arsenic contamination in groundwater: A worldwide calamity. (Abst-Extended). 7th Inter. Conf. Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE), Uppsala, Sweden, June 15-19, 2003.
- Chandrasekharam, D. “Deccan Flood Bassalts” in Indian Continental Lithoisphere: Emerging Research Trends. (Eds) T.N.Mahadevan and B.R Arora and K.R Gupta. Geol Soc.India Memoir 53, 197-214.
- Chandrasekharam, D. , Manetti, P., Vaselli, O., Capaccioni, B. and Alam, M.A. Cold Springs of the Barren Island, Andaman Sea, Indian Ocean, Curr. Sci., 86, 136-137.
- Chandrasekharam, D. and M.A.Alam. Direct Utilization of Geothermal Energy Resources – NW Himalayas, India. Geother. Resource Council Trans., 27, 81-83.
- Al-Kebsi., Al-Aawah, M.A.H. and Chandrasekharam, D. Saltwater contamination in the coastal aquifer, Tihama plain, Wadi Surdud, Republic of Yemen. Sana’a Univ. Faculty of Science Bull., 16, 111-123.
- 2004:
- Sheth, H.C., Mahoney, J. J. and Chandrasekharam, D.. Geochemical stratigraphy of Deccan flood basalts of the Bijasan Ghat section, Satpura range-India. J. Asian Earth Sci., 23, 127-139.
- Chandrasekharam, D., Alam, M.A. and Minissale, A. 2004. Geothermal Potential of the Ladakh Region, NW Himalayas, India. Proceedings- International Conference On Sustainable Habitat For Cold Climates: September 16-18, 2004, Leh, Ladakh, 108-113.
- Alam, M.A., Chandrasekharam, D., Vaselli,O., Capaccioni, B., Manetti, P. and Santo, P.B. 2004. Petrology of the prehistoric lavas and dyke of the Barren Island, Andaman Sea, Indian Ocean. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Earth Planet. Sci.), 113, 715-721.
- Hema Tiwari Chaturvedi and Chandrasekharam, D. 2004. Mobilization of F- from rocks and soils in to groundwater, Morel river basin, Rajasthan, India. Proceed. 11th Water Rock Interaction (Ed) R.B.Wanty and R.R. Seal II, A.A. Balkema Pub. 389-392.
- Alam, M.A., Chandrasekharam, D. and Minissale, A. 2004. Geothermal potential of thermal waters of Manikaran, Himachal Pradesh, India. Proceed. 11th Water Rock Interaction (Ed) R.B.Wanty and R.R. Seal II, A.A. Balkema Pub. 327-331.
- 2005:
- Chandrasekharam, D. 2005. Geothermal Energy Resources of India: Past and the Present. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2005, Antalya, Turkey, 24-29 April 2005, 5 pp.
- Chandrasekharam, D., Alam, M A. and Minissale, A. 2005. Thermal Discharges at Manikaran, Himachal Pradesh, India. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2005, Antalya, Turkey, 24-29 April 2005, 7 pp.
- Norra, S., Berner, Z.A., Agarwala, P., Wagner, F., Chandrasekharam, D. and Stüben, D. 2005. Impact of irrigation with As rich groundwater on soil and crops: a geochemical case study in Maldah District, West Bengal App. Geochem. 20, 1890-1906.
- Mukherjee, A.B., Bhattacharya, P., Jacks, G. Banerjee, D.M., Ramanathan, A.L., Mahanta, C. Chandrashekharam, D. & Naidu, R. (2005) “Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in India: Extent and severity”. in: R. Naidu, E. Smith, G. Owens, P. Nadebaum, & P. Bhattacharya (Eds.) Managing Arsenic in the Environment: From soil to human health. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia (In press).
- Hema T Chaturvedi, Chandrasekharam, D and Jalihal, A.A. Fluoride contamination of groundwater in India- country update In “Groundwater Intensive Use” 2005. (Eds). A. Sahuquillo, J. Capilla, L. Martínez-Cortina & X. Sánchez-Vila, Taylor and Francis Pub., p 237-245
- Swaminathan, M. and Chandrasekharam, D. 2005. Soil-geomorphic relationship and the soil variability over a basaltic terrain- A case study along the West Coast of Maharashtra. Jr. Indian Soc. Coastal Agric. Res., 23, 6-12.
- Book:
- Natural Arsenic in Groundwater: Occurrences, Remediation and Management. 2005. (Eds). J. Bundschuh, P. Bhattacharya and D. Chandrasekharam, Taylor & Francis Group Pub (A.A.Balkema pub)., London, ISBN 04 1536 700 X, 339 p
- 2006
- Chapter in Book:
- Mukherjee, A.B., Bhattacharya, P., Jacks Gunnar, Banerjee, D.M., Ramanathan, A.L., Mahanta, C., Chandrashekharam, D. and Ravi Naidu. 2006. (Chapter 33) Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in India: Extent and Severity in “Managing Arsenic In The Environment: From Soils to Human Health” (eds). R. Naidu, E. Smith, G. Owens, P. Bhattacharya and P. Nadebaum. CSIRO Pub., Australia, 664 p.
- 2007
- Saji, S. and Chandrasekharam, D. 2007: High fluoride groundwater of karbi-Anglong distrct, Assam, NE India: source characterization in “Groundwater for Sustainable Development: Problems, Perspectives and Challenges” (Eds). P. Bhattacharya, A.L. Ramanathan, J. Bundschuh, D. Chandrasekharam, A.K Keshari and A. B Mukherjee. Taylor and Francis Pub., (in press).
- Michael D Higgins and Chandrasekharam, D. 2007. Nature of subvolcanic magma chambers, Deccan Province, India: Evidence from quantitative textural analysis of Plagioclase megacrysts in the Giant Plagioclase Basalt. J. Petrol., 48, 885-900.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 2007. Geo-mythology of India. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 273, 29–37.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 2007. Pathway of Arsenic from water to food, West Bengal, India. In U. Aswathanarayana (Ed). “Food and water security: An integrated strategy for food security in the developing countries”, Taylor and Francis Pub., London, 63-70.
- Chandrasekharam, D., Anita Joshi and Varun Chandrasekhar. 2007. Arsenic content in groundwater and soils of Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. Proceed. 12th Water Rock Interaction (Ed) Thomas D. Bullen and Yanxin Wang. Talylor and Francis Pub., London, 1021-1025
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Varun Chandrasekhar. 2007. Enhanced Geothermal Resources: Indian Scenario. Geothermal Res. Council Trans., 31, 271-273.
- 2008
- Saji, S. and Chandrasekharam, D. 2008: High fluoride groundwater of karbi-Anglong distrct, Assam, NE India: source characterization in “Groundwater for Sustainable Development: Problems, Perspectives and Challenges” (Eds). P. Bhattacharya, A.L. Ramanathan, J. Bundschuh, D. Chandrasekharam, A.K Keshari and A. B Mukherjee. Taylor and Francis Pub. London.
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Varun Chandrasekhar, 2008. Geothermal resources in India: Possibilities for direct use in the Himalayas in Proceedings “ UNU-GTP and TBLRREM-TBGMED Workshop for Decision Makers on Direct Heating Use of Geothermal Resources in Asia”, Tianjin, China, 11-18 May, 2008″ (ed) I.B.Fridleifsson, D.H.Holm, Wang Kun and Zhang Baiming (CD).
- Invited Lectures:
“ Low Enthalpy Geothermal Resources for Power Generation” invited lecture at the Workshop on “Geothermal energy: resources and technology for a sustainable development, Organized by International Centre for Science and high technology-United Nations Industrial Organization, Trieste, Italy , 10-12 Dec 2008 ( e-Learnig, www.ics.trieste.it). - Chandrasekhar, V. and Chandraseklharam, D. 2008. Enhanced geothermal resources in NE Deccan Province, India 2008. Geothermal Res. Council Trans, 32, 71-75.
- D. Chandrasekharam and J. Bundschuh 2008. “ Low Enthalpy Geothermal Resources for Power generation” Taylor and Francis Pub., U.K. 169 pp.
- 2009:
- Chandrasekharam, D. Alba P. Santo, A.P., Capaccioni, B., Vaselli,O., Alam, M.A. , Manetti, P. and Tassi, F. 2009. Volcanological and Petrological Evolution of Barren Island (Andaman Sea, Indian Ocean. J. Asian Earth Sci.. 35, 469- 487.
- “School in Geothermics” at The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 26 October- 7th November, 2009.( e-Learning: www.ics.trieste.it)
- Gloria, E T., Chandrasekharam, D., Ayonghe, S.N. and Thambidurai, P. 2009. Pollution characteristics of alluvial groundwater from springs and bore wells in semi-urban informal settlements of Douala, Cameroon, Western Africa. Environ Earth Sci., DOI 10.1007/s12665-009-0342-8 (on line)
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Chandrasekhar, C. 2009. Geothermal systems in India. Geothermal Res. Council Trans., 33
- 2010
- Tripathi, R.P., Mathur, S.C., Mathur, S., Trupti, G. and Chandrashekharam, D. 2010. On the occurrence of stishovite in the Precambrian Siwana Volcanic Province, Western Rajasthan, India. Current Sci., 98, 30-32
- Alam, M.A. and Chandrasekharam, D. 2010. Comment on ‘‘Thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence signals from volcanic ash: History of volcanism in Barren Island, Andaman Sea’’ Quat. Geochron,.5, 283–284
- Farooq, S. H., Chandrasekharam, D., Norra, S., Eiche, E., Berner, Z., Thambidurai, P. and Stüben, D. 2010. Temporal variations in arsenic concentration in the groundwater of Murshidabad District, West Bengal, India . Environ. Earth Sci., DOI 10.1007/s12665-010-0516-4
- Farooq, S.H., Chandrasekharam, D., Berner, Z., Norra, S., Stüben, D. 2010. Effect of traditional agricultural practices in mobilization of arsenic from sediments to groundwater in Bengal Delta. Water Research, doi: 10.1.1016/j.waters.201.05.057
- Singh, H.K. and Chandrasekharam, D. 2010. Evaluation of Tuwa geothermal system through water-rock interaction experiment. Proceed. Water-Rock Interaction 13 ( Eds. P. Birkle and Torres-Alvarado (eds) Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-60426-0
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Chandrasekhar, V. 2010. Geothermal Energy Resources, India: Country Update. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2010 Bali, Indonesia (CD)
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Chandrasekhar, V. 2010. Hot Dry Rock Potential in India: Future Road Map to Make India Energy Independent. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2010 Bali, Indonesia (CD)
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Chandrasekhar, V. 2010. Can Geological Radioactive Waste Disposal Sites Be Used as EGS Sites? Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2010 Bali, Indonesia (CD)
- Chandrasekhar, V. and Chandrasekharam, D. 2010. Energy Independence Through CDM Using Geothermal Resources: Indian Scenario. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2010 Bali, Indonesia (CD)
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Varun Chandrasekhar, 2010 Geochemistry of Thermal Springs of Orissa, India. Geother. Resources Council Trans., 34, 665-668.
- 2011
- Sen, G. and Chandrasekharam, D. 2011. Deccan Traps Flood Basalt Province: An Evaluation of the Thermochemical Plume Model. Chapter 2 In “Topics in Petrology” (Eds) Jyotisankar Ray, Gautam Sen and Biswajit Ghosh. Springer Pub. 29-53.
- Pooja,V.K, Sheth, H.C., Badrealam, S, Poonam, M, Chandrasekharam, D. and Trupti,G. 2011. Spherulitic pitchstones from the Deccan Traps, India: Petrochemistry and emplacement environments Bull. Volcanol (in press).
- Farooq, S. H., Chandrasekharam, D., Abbt-Braun, G., Berner, Z., Norra, S. and Stüben, D. 2011. DOC from traditional jute processing technique and its potential influence on arsenic contamination in Bengal Delta. App. Geochem (in press).
- Pasvanoğlu S, Chandrasekharam, D (2011) Hydrogeochemical and isotopic study of thermal and mineralized waters from the Nevşehir (Kozakli) area, Central Turkey. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 202, 241-250.
USA 1972-1974
Participated in the Deep Sea Drilling Programme (JOIDES): Investigation on the Ocean floor basalts recovered from Legs 15 and 17 from the Caribbean trench and Central Pacific Basin.
United Kingdom 1989
Presented paper at the 6th Water-Rock Interaction Conference, Malvern, U.K.
Japan 1990
Attended short course on XRD DMAX- 1C system, Rigaku, Co., Japan.
Italy 1995
Presented invited paper at the World Geothermal Congress 1995, Florence. Attended short course on “Drafting Geothermal Projects for Funding ” at Pisa, Italy.
Invited Lecture: on “Flow stratigraphy mapping of Deccan volcanic flows using field, geochemical, petrographic and paleomagnetic data” at C.N.R. Centro Di Studio per la Minerogenesi e la Geochimica Applicata, Florence, Italy (Host Dr Angelo Minissale).
Yemen Republic 1996
Visited Sana’a under the TWAS Visiting Professorship Programme.
Italy 1997
Worked at the CNR laboratory, Florence, Italy as ICTP-CNR Visiting Fellow.
Oregon State University, Klamath Falls, USA 1999
Invited lecture at the “Geothermal days” summer school, Oregon Institute of Technology, Oregon, USA.
Manila, Phillipines, 2000
Invited by the International Business Corporation to deliver a lecture on “Geothermal Energy Resources” in India- opportunities for foreign financial investment (Feb. 28-29).
Beppu and Morioka, Japan, 2000
Presented a paper “Geothermal Energy Resources of India, Country update” at the World Geothermal Congress 2000 and Chaired a Session on “Asian Geothermal Energy -Country Update” (May 29-11 June).
University of Kanazawa, Japan, 2000
Invited lecture at the Dept. Earth Sciences, Kanazawa Univerisyt, on “ On the evolution Deccan flood basalts”.
Italy, 2000
Visiting Scientist, CNR Laboratory, Florence, DST-Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bilateral Project.
Invited lecture at ERGA (Italian Energy Council, Pisa) on “Geothermal Energy Resources of India.
Karlshrue, Germany, 2000
Invited lecture at the Institute of Petrography and Geochemistry, University of Karlshrue on ” evolution of Deccan Volcanics”.
CNR Italy, 2001
Visiting Professor to CNR Italy under Indo-Italian Fellowship.
Bad Urach, Germany, 2001
Invited to give a lecture on the Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Resources in India.
Mar del Plata, Argentina, 2002
Conducted short course on “Geothermal Energy Resources for Developing Countries” (IAH 32nd Congress)
Conducted workshop on “Arsenic Pollution in Groundwater” (IAH 32nd Congress & IAH 32nd Congress)
Muscat, Oman 2002
Invited to attend the Interchange 2002 MEA conference of the Schlumberger Oil Field Services to have an over view on the relationship between IITB and OFS.
CNR Florence Italy 2003
Visiting Scientist, CNR Laboratory, Florence, DST-Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bilateral Project. Participated in field work to Vulcano, Panarea and Stromboli volcanoes.
Karlshrue, Germany 2003
Collaborative project on Arsenic in groundwater of west Bengal (IITB-DAAD programme).
Florence, Italy 2004
Conducted a workshop on “Natural Arsenic in groundwater” during the 32nd International Geological Congress, September 2004.
Presented paper at the 32nd International Geological Congress, September 2004.
Saratoga Springs, USA 2004.
Presented paper at the 11th Water Rock International Symposium, August 2004.
KTH , Stockholm, Sweden, March 2005.
Invited lecture at the Dept. Land and Water Resources Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm.
Antalya, Turkey, 2005
Presented Invited paper at the World Geothermal Congress 2005, Antalya.
Perth, Australia 2006
Presented an invited paper at the American Association for petroleum Geologists- International Conference
Kunming, China, 2007
Presented a paper at the 11th Water-Rock International Symposium, July 31- August 9, 2007.
San Jose, Costa Rica, 2007
Conducted a short course on ”low enthalpy geothermal resources” , 18th – 30 November 2007.
Beijing China, 2008.
Delivered invited talk on the “Geothermal resources in India: Possibilities for direct use in the Himalayas” at the United Nations Workshop on “Decision Makers on Direct Heating Use of Geothermal Resources in Asia Tianjin, China 11 – 18 May 2008
Valencia, Spain, 2008.
Presented a paper at the 2nd International Arsenic in the Environment Congress, May 21-14, 2008.
Trieste, Italy 2008
ICS-UNIDO workshop on “Geothermal Energy Resources” Trieste, Italy 10-12 December 2008 ( Invited speaker)
Krakow, Poland, 2009
Visiting Professor, Faculty of Geology, A G H University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland. Short Course on Low Enthalpy geothermal resources, 15 -27th May 2009.
Ethiopia, 2009
Invited lecture “Low Enthalpy Geothermal Resources for Power Generation: Geo-Powering the rural communities” ICS-UNIDO, Ethiopia, 8-12 June 2009.
Trieste, Italy, 2009
Conducted “School in Geothermics” at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Centre, Trieste, Italy” 26th October – 7 November 2009.
China, 2009
Short Course on “Arsenic pollution in groundwater-West Bengal” at the China University of Geosciences, Beijing: 30 November-5th December, 2009
Delivered lectures on “Arsenic and Fluoride pollution in groundwater, India” at the China University of Geosciences, Wuhan: 7th December – 11 December 2009
Bali, Indonesia 2010
Chaired Session at the World Geothermal Congress 2010 and presented papers
Bochum, Germany 2011
IGA Board Meeting
Monash University 2011
IITB-Monash Academy sponsored project
Research And Development/Consultancy Projects
- Chemical methods to upgrade the quality of kaolinite for paper industry (Patent pending).
- Zircon Opacifiers: Chemical methods to upgrade zircon sand (whitening) for paint industry (Patent pending)
- Chemical methods to remove iron from talc (Patent pending)
- Investigation on the causes of failure of “Gas Pipeline concrete” (International consultation project. ).
- Investigation on the causes of failure of concrete: rehabilitation project- Killari earthquake (Govt. Maharashtra:).
- Investigation on the causes of failure of concrete – Inter. Airport (International Airport Authority.).
- Investigation on the causes of failure of concrete – Oberoi Towers.
- Assessment of concrete – mass housing project, Powai.
- Investigation on the causes of failure of concrete – Chowa Chandan building, Bombay..
- Testing of sand used for the construction of “Hot-Rolled Coil Project” (M/s Essar Gujarat Co. Ltd.).
- Petrographic analyses and evaluation of physical and chemical properties of drill cores- Mulshi Dam Project (M/s Unicorn and Co.).
- Chemical assessment of ceramic tiles (M/s Nitco Tiles Co.).
- Evaluation of Sodium absorption capacity, chemical and physical properties of soils – Fly- over project, Thane creek, Bombay (M/s Land and coast P. Ltd.).
- Eavaluation of “Kota” slabs using chemical and physical parameters..
- Estimation of asbestos fibres in water pipes and l/b ratio of the fibres and its relation to strength properties (M/s Govt. Maharashtra Water Supply Board.).
- Alkali – silica reactivity of basalt aggregate (M/s Govt. Maharashtra.).
- Cement content and grade of cement used in civil construction works (Bombay Municipal Corp.).
- Groundwater quality assessment of bore well samples, Bombay island ( M/s Sandeep Housing society, Bombay.).
- Location of groundwater potential zones for deep bore wells based on landsat images at Waghu and Kalamb, Pune district, Maharashtra. (M/s Groundwater Exploration Service, Maharashtra.).
- Groundwater quality assessment of coastal dug wells (two), Bombay island (M/s groundwater Exploration Service, Maharashtra.).
- Assessment of mica a for paint industry (M/s Ashok Dalmia Ltd., Bombay. ).
- Estimate of cement content in concrete (M/s Do-Well Oil Plants Pvt. Ltd., Bombay. ).
- Assessment of grade of limestone for railway platform construction (M/s City Industrial Develop. Corp, Maharashtra.).
- Petrographic evaluation of basalt aggregate for industrial construction purpose (M/s L and T, Madras. ).
- Environmental impact of gas pipeline from Dhabol to Goa. (M/s Enron Com.Ltd.)
- Rock-water and liquid petroleum gas interaction (M/s RITES India Ltd.,).
- Assessment of Kota limestone (M/s International Airports Authority of India)
- Petrographic evaluation of aggregate for Pune-Mumbai high way construction (M/s Prakash Engineering and construction Co.)
- Alkali-silica reactivity of aggregate (Ms Dhar Consultnts)
- Estimation of thickness of paint over concrete using petrographic technique (Ms Dhar Consultants)
- Investigation of colour variation and black streaks in sandstones (L and T, Mumbai).
- Investigation on landlides, Mumbra-Highway by pass (Mumbai, PWD).
- Assessment of Industrial Pollution in groundwater, Sangamner district, Maharashtra (Govt. Maharashtra).
- Assessment of physical and petrographic characteristics of basalt core samples- Bhandup- Malad water project (Mumbai Municipal Corp).
- Development of cracks in Italian Marble tiles (Central Bank of India,Bombay).
- Chemical composition of failed concrete slabs (CIDCO, Bombay).
- Assessment of water quality for ceramic industry (HR Johson India Ltd., Mumbai).
- XRD analysis of soap samples (Godrej India Ltd., Mumbai).
- Chemical composition of admixtures and concrete ( Gammon India Ltd., Mumbai).
- Chemical composition of red clay (Niranjana mines, Karnataka).
- Evaluation of physical properties of basalt cores (Hindustan Construction Com., Mumbai).
- Quality evaluation of ceramic tiles
- List Of Sponsored Projects Completed/ Ongoing
- Arsenic contamination in groundwater, Indravati sub-Basin (Godavari basin) Chattisgarh. (DST. 2011 on going).
- Sustainable exploitation of groundwater and cost-effective removal of arsenic from arsenic contaminated aquifers in China and India ( Collaborative project between India and China; 2009 on going)
- Crustal configuration and active tectonics of the Andaman arc-sea region based on analysis of geophysical data (DST, 2008, ongoing)
- Groundwater arsenic in the alluvial aquifers of Ganges-Brahmaputra Flood Plains of India (Indo-Sweden bilateral project- 2007 ongoing).
- Mapping the source regions of active Barren Island Volcano and structural configuration of the Andaman subduction zone in the NE Indian Ocean. (National Integrated DST project: National Coordinator- 2007 ongoing)
- Geothermal Energy Resources of India ( Bilateral project between India and Italy: Sponsored by the Dept. Science and Tech., Govt. India and Ministry of Foreign affairs, Italy. -1996-2002).
- Geothermal Energy Resources of Gujarat. (Collaborative project between India and Italy: Sponsored by the Gujarat Energy Development Agency. 2001)
- Flow stratigraphy of Northern Deccan Volcanic province based on field, geochemical, petrographic and paleomagnetic investigations. (1997: Sponsored by Dept. Sci. Tech., Govt. India).
- Flow stratigraphy of Central Deccan Volcanic province based on field, geochemical, petrographic and paleomagnetic investigations. (1994: Sponsored by Dept. Sci. Tech., Govt. India).
- Laterite-Water interaction Experimental investigation:- Evaluation of groundwater quality in laterite aquifers. (1987: Sponsored by Sci. Tech. Govt. Kerala).
- Geochemistry of Laterites with application to pollution control. (1985: Sponsored
- by Sci. Tech., Govt. Kerala).
- Research Reports (classified) Submitted To Govt. Kerala, India
- Water quality of Inventoried wells, Trivandrum coast. CWRDM Report GW/BD 04/80. 40p.
- Water quality of permanent observation wells, Trivandrum coast. CWRDM Report GW/BD 05/80. 48p.
- Water quality of permanent observation wells, Kozhikode district. CWRDM Report GW/BD 09/80. 52p.
- Water quality of permanent observation wells, Kozhikode coast. CWRDM Report GW/BD 10/80. 60p.
- Water quality of permanent observation wells, Malappuram coast. CWRDM Report GW/BD 14/80. 30p.
- A preliminary report on the groundwater investigation of an area around Vadanamkurissi, Palghat, Kerala., CWRDM Report GW/T 01/80. 15p.
- Groundwater quality in the coastal unconfined aquifer of Trivandrum district. CWRDM Report GW/R 02/80. 25p.
- Groundwater exploration in hard rocks- A hydrochemical approach. CWRDM Report GW/R 33/80. 10p.
- Calcium enrichment in open wells along Kozhikode coast. CWRDM Report GW/R 12/81. 8p.
- Geochemistry of groundwater along Malappuram coastal aquifer. CWRDM Report GW/R 18/81. 50p.
- A note on the geology of CWRDM (Centre for Water Resources Development and Management) campus, Kozhikode. CWRDM Report GW/R 19/81. 30p.
- Geochemistry of groundwater in the unconfined aquifer along the coastal belt of Kozhikode. CWRDM Report GW/R 23/81. 35p.
- Water quality of permanent observation wells, Malappuram coast. CWRDM Report GW/BD 22/81. 45p.
- Water quality of permanent observation wells, Kozhikode coast. CWRDM Report GW/BD 24/81. 50p.
- Water quality of permanent observation wells, Trivandrum coast. CWRDM Report GW/BD 26/81. 50p.
- Chemical diagrams for interpreting groundwater chemistry in hard rock aquifers. CWRDM Report W/R 20/82. 7p.
- Saltwater intrusion into coastal aquifer, Kozhikode, Kerala. CWRDM Report GW/R 40/83. 20p.
- Saltwater intrusion mechanism along the coastal aquifers, Malappuram district, Kerala. CWRDM Report GW/R 80/83. 25p.
- Geochemistry of groundwater in the unconfined aquifer along the coastal belt of Kozhikode, Kerala. CWRDM Report GW/R 23/83. 32p.
- Chemistry of groundwater in a typical laterite midland region of Kerala. CWRDM Report GW/R 8/83. 105p.
- Chemical characteristics of rain over Kozhikode, Kerala. CWRDM Report GW/R 71/83. 5p.
- Atmospheric CO2 and the chemistry of groundwater. CWRDM Report GW/R 59/83. 10p.
- Laterite -water interaction studies: Project Report CWRDM Report GW/R 95/84. 197p.
- Location of sites for digging dug wells under WREP in Chirayinkil Taluk, Trivandrum. CWRDM Report GW/R 154/86. 10p.
- Geochemistry of groundwater in laterites with special application to pollution control. Project Report. CWRDM Report GW/R 170/87. 200p.
National Journals
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Parthasarathy, A. 1976. Petrology of the Deccan Trap sequence around Manor, Maharashtra. Proceed. Paleovolcanicity, associated tectonism and metallogeny in India., Hyderabad, pp 56-66.
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Parthasarathy, A. 1976. Geochemical and genetic characteristics of coastal and inland Deccan Trap volcanics. ibid. pp 76-84.
- Viswanathan, S. and Chandrasekharam, D. 1977. Manor volcanics and the environment of Deccan Trap volcanism. Recent Reser. Geol. Hindustan Pub. Corp., New Delhi , 4, pp 187-195.
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Basak, P. 1980. How far is your well from the cemetery? J. Pub. Health Eng. 4, pp 99-102.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1980. Chemical quality of open well waters from Trivandrum coastal belt. Proceed. Water Res. of Southern States. Madurai Kamaraj Uni., Madurai. pp 15-23.
- Chandrasekharam, D. Bindumadhav, U. 1980. Exploration for groundwater in hard rocks-a hydrochemical approach. Proceed. 6th National Convention for Explo. Geophysicists. Bangalore , pp 17-26.
- Viswanathan, S. and Chandrasekharam, D. 1981. Geochemical comparison of the Siberian and Deccan Traps. Geol. Soc. India Memoir 3, pp 460-471.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1982. Saltwater intrusion into the coastal aquifer, Kozhikode district, Kerala. Proceed. Irrigated Farming in India, Shivaji Uni., Kolhapur. pp 45-53.
- Chandrasekharam, D. Bindumadhav, U. and Ushakumari, S. 1983. Geochemical characteristics of groundwater in hard rock aquifers. Proceed. Assessment, Development and Management of Groundwater Resources., Central Groundwater Board, Ministry of Irrigation, New Delhi. pp 317-333.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1984. Calcium enrichment in coastal wells, Kozhikode, Kerala. Bull. Sci. 1, pp 36-39.
- Chandrasekharam, D. Parthasarathy, A. 1985. Tectonic aspects of Deccan Traps. Geol. Sur. India, Sp. Pub., 14, pp 20-24.
- Viswanathan, S. and Chandrasekharam, D. 1985. Dykes related to Deccan volcanism. Geol. Survey India, Sp. Pub., 14, pp 91-107.
- Chandrasekharam, D. Parthasarahthy, A. and Subramaniam, S.K. 1985. Petrographic and petrochemical characteristics of the Deccan Trap volcanics and properties of soils around Khodala, Maharashtra.Geol. Survey India, Sp. Pub.,14, pp 108-120.
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Raghavan, V. 1985. A need for computer aided analysis of lineaments in regional groundwater exploration programme. Proceed. IV Annual Convention.Asso. Hydrogeologists of India, Hissar. pp 21-28.
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Raghavan, V. 1985. Chemistry of groundwater in the Gunjani river basin of Pune, Maharashtra. ibid., pp 32-37.
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Ushakumari, S. 1988. Metal adsorption by laterites and clays: Experimental investigation on laterite -clay -water interaction. in “Role of Earth Sciences in Environment” (Ed) K.C.Sahu IIT – Bombay, pp 203-231.
- Chandrasekharam, D. Ushakumari, S and Ahmad, A. 1988. Chemical characteristics of groundwater in laterites. Hydrology. J. 11, pp 1-8.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1989. Anomalous SO4 – Cl groundwater in the coastal aquifer, Kerala. Indian Acad. Sci., 98, pp 287-295
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1993. Application of XRD technique in water -rock interaction experiments. in “Applications of Analytical Instruments”. (Eds.) B.S.Acharya and Rajeev, Allied . Pub., New Delhi, pp 121-126.
- Subbarao,K.V., Navaneethakrishnan, P. and Chandrasekharam, D. 1994. Geomagnetic polarity change in the central Deccan Traps and its significance in regional correlation of Deccan basalts. Geol. Soc. India Memoir, 29, pp 81-92.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1995. Saltwater Intrusion in “Groundwater” (Chapter 6) (Ed) S.Pitchaiah, Scientific Pub., Jodhpur.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1995. Steam emanations due to seismic pumping, Killari, Maharashtra. Geol. Survey. India Sp. Pub. 27, pp 229-233.
- Chandrasekharam, D., Rao, V. G. and Jayaprakash, S. J. 1996. Geothermal Energy potential and direct use of Geothermal springs, Godavari valley, Andhra Pradesh, Geol. Sur. India, Sp. Pub., 45, pp 155-161.
- Ramanathan, A. and Chandrasekharam, D. 1997. Geochemistry of Rajapur and Puttur thermal springs, west coast of India J. Geo. Soc. India , 49, pp 559-565.
- Sheth, H. C., Duncan, R. A., Chandrasekharam, D. and Mahoney, J. J. 1997. Deccan Trap dioritic gabbros from the western Tapi – Satpura region. Curr. Sci., 72, pp 755-757.
- Keshav, S., Sheth, H.C. and Chandrasekharam, D. 1998. Field geology, petrography and orthopyroxene clusters of the Dhule- Parola dike, Tapi valley, central Deccan basalts province.Curr. Sci., 74, pp 252-254.
- Biju Mathew and Chandrasekharam, D. 1999. Trace element distribution and cobalt content in sulphide ores of Kalyadi, Karnataka. Curr. Sci. 77, pp 101-103.
- Ramanathan, A. and Chandrasekharam, D. 1999. Watch–a Fortran 77 program for processing the analytical hydrochemical data. In Inland Water Resources, India (Eds) M.K. Durga Prasad and P. Sankara Pitchaiah, Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1999. Salt water intrusion mechanism along the coastal aquifer, Malappuram district, Kerala. In Inland Water Resources, India (Eds) M.K. Durga Prasad and P. Sankara Pitchaiah, Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi.
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Vinod, K. C. 2000. Clinopyroxenite xenoliths from the Deccan Traps of Kutch and Bombay. Curr. Sci.78, 607-610
- Chandrasekharam, D. Opportunities for small scale geothermal power projects in India. Indust. Prod. Finder, 29, 203-205.
- Chandrasekharam,D. 2002. Private Power Projects: Journey through Darkness. Analyst, (Financial Magazine), VIII, 62-65.
- Chandrasekharam, D. “Deccan Flood Bassalts” in Indian Continental Lithoisphere: Emerging Research Trends. (Eds) T.N.Mahadevan and B.R Arora and K.R Gupta. Geol Soc.India Memoir 53, 197-214.
- Chandrasekharam, D. , Manetti, P., Vaselli, O., Capaccioni, B. and Alam, M.A. Cold Springs of the Barren Island, Andaman Sea, Indian Ocean, Curr. Sci., 86, 136-137.
- Chandrasekharam, D., Alam, M.A. and Minissale, A. 2004. Geothermal Potential of the Ladakh Region, NW Himalayas, India. Proceedings- International Conference On Sustainable Habitat For Cold Climates: September 16-18, 2004, Leh, Ladakh, 108-113.
- Alam, M.A., Chandrasekharam, D., Vaselli,O., Capaccioni, B., Manetti, P. and Santo, P.B. 2004. Petrology of the prehistoric lavas and dyke of the Barren Island, Andaman Sea, Indian Ocean. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Earth Planet. Sci.), 113, 715-721.
- Swaminathan, M. and Chandrasekharam, D. 2005. Soil-geomorphic relationship and the soil variability over a basaltic terrain- A case study along the West Coast of Maharashtra. Jr. Indian Soc. Coastal Agric. Res., 23, 6-12.
- Tripathi, R.P., Mathur, S.C., Mathur, S., Trupti, G. and Chandrashekharam, D. 2010. On the occurrence of stishovite in the Precambrian Siwana Volcanic Province, Western Rajasthan, India. Current Sci., 98, 30-32.
Publications In Interdisciplinary Field
- Sahaya Shajan, X., Sivaraman, K., Mahadevan, C. and Chandrasekharam, D. 1992. Lattice variation and stability of NaCl-KCl mixed crystals grown from aqueous solutions. Crys. Res. Tech., 27, pp 79-82.
- Sahaya Shajan, X., Sivaraman, K., Mahadevan, C. and Chandrasekharam, D. 1992. X-ray investigation of KCl doped KDP single crystals. J. Pure and Appl. Phy., 4, pp 137-140.
- Okram, G. S., Om Prakash., Padalia, B., Chandrasekharam, D., Tamhane, A. S. and Gupta, L.C. 1992. Effect of oxygen stoichiometry variation on Tc in Nd 1.85 Ce0.15 CuO 4- Supercond. Sci. Tech., 5, pp 561-563.
- Suba, K., Okram, G. S., Padalia, B., Chandrasekharam, D. and Udupa, M. R., 1994. On the substitution of Li in CuO. Material Res. Bull. 29, pp 443-450.
- Anitha, V. P., Major, S., Chandrasekharam, D. and Bhatnagar, M. 1996. Deposition of molybdenum nitride thinfilms by gr.f. reactive magnetron sputtering. Surface Coating Tech., 79, pp 50-54.
- Yadav, S. K., Ron, N., Chandrasekharam, D., Khilar, K. C., Suresh, A. K. and Nadkarni, V. M. 1996. Polyurias by interfacial polycondensation -preparation and properties. Jour. Macro Mol. Sci. (Phy) B 35, pp 807-827.
- Sikder, A.K., Sarda, T., Misra, D. S., Chandrasekharam, D. and Selvam, P. 1998. Chemical vapour deposition of diamond on stainless steel: the effect of Ni-diamond composite coated buffer layer. Diamond and Related Materials, 7, pp.1010-1013.
- Sikder, A. K., Sharda, T., Misra, D. S., Chandrasekharam, D., Velachamy, P., Minoura, H. and Selvam, P. 1999. Diamond deposition on Ni/Ni–diamond coated stainless steel substrate. J.Mater.Res., 14, pp.1-5.
International Journals
- Bence, A.E., Papike, J. J., Chandrasekharam, D. and Cameron, M. 1973. Petrology of basalts from Leg 15, DSDP. EOS Am. Geophy. Union. Trans., 54, 995-998.
- Bence, A.E., Papike, J. J., Chandrasekharam, D., Cameron, M. and Camenisch, S. 1973. Petrology of basalts from Leg 17, DSDP. EOS Am. Geophy. Union. Trans., 54, 998-1001.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1973. Petrological variations in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean ridge basalts. N. Jb. Min. Mh., 120, pp 69-82.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1974. A re-examination of the Tertiary lavas from Greenland, Iceland and Scottish provinces. N. Jb. Abh.,10, pp 462-467.
- Viswanathan, S. and Chandrasekharam, D. 1974. Grain size studies on the plagioclases of the Manor volcanic complex, Maharashtra. N. Jb. Min. Mh.,11, pp 510-516.
- Subbarao, K. V. and Chandrasekharam, D. 1976. Some comments on the origin of the Troodos Ophiolite complex, Cyprus. N. Jb. Min. Mh., 8, pp 379-387.
- Subbarao, K.V. Chandrasekharam, D. and Valsangkar, A.B. 1976. Major element, K, Rb, Sr, U analyses, Sr 87/Sr86 ratio, magnetic granulometric analysis and K-Ar ages of the acid volcanic rocks of St.Mary group of islands off west coast, India. IGC, Sydney (Ex-Abstract).
- Subbarao, K. V., Viswanatha Reddy, V., Hekinian, R. and Chandrasekharam, D. 1977. Large ion lithophile elements and Sr and Pb isotopic variation in volcanic rocks from the Indian ocean. in “Indian Ocean Geology and Biostratigraphy”. (Ed.) J.R. Heirtzler, pp 259-278.
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Parthasarathy, A. 1978. Geochemical and tectonic studies on the coastal and inland Deccan Trap volcanics and a model for the evolution of Deccan Trap volcanism. N. Jb. Min. Abh. 132, pp 214-229.
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Subbarao, K.V. 1982. Chemical catalogue of Deccan and other continental and ocean volcanic rocks, IIT Bombay Data Base on Continental Volcanic rocks: Published under IGCP 162 Programme, 400 p.
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Ushakumari, S. 1982. Geochemistry of groundwater in the unconfined aquifer along the coastal belt of Kozhikode, Kerala, India. Proceed. Regional workshop on Limnology and Water resources Management and Development, Kulalumpur, pp. 132-145.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1983. Effect of pCO2 in the atmosphere on the chemistry of groundwater. Extended Abs. Proceed. Interna. Conf. Biometeorology, New Delhi. pp 15-17.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1985. Effect of CO2 in the atmosphere on the chemistry of groundwater. Tropical Ecology., 26, pp 108-113.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1985. Structure and evolution of the western continental margin of India deduced from gravity, seismic, geomagnetic and geochronological studies. Phy. Earth. Planet. Interiors., 41, pp 186-198 .
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1985. Quality of groundwater along the coastal belt of the south-west Indian subcontinent. Proceed. V World Congress on Water Resources, Belgium.
- Raghavan, V. and Chandrasekharam, D. 1986. Significance of space image, air photo and drainage linears in relation to west coast tectonics of India. European Space Agency (ESP) SP 254, IGARSS-86, “REMOTE SENSING” (Eds) T.D.Guyenner and J.J.Hunt. pp 425-430.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1986. Heavy metal adsorption by laterites and clays – an experimental investigation on laterite-clay-water systems. 5th Water-rock Interaction, National Energy Authority, Iceland (Ex-abstract) . pp 112-116.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1986. Evolution of Laccadive – Kerala graben along the western continental margin of India. ( Abstract) IUGG Sym.,Canada.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1989. Geochemistry, oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios of thermal springs of western continental margin of India. 28th IGC, Washington. D.C. (Abs).
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Viladkar, S.G. 1989. Composition of the Precambrian crust below the Deccan volcanics. Evidence from granite xenoliths in basic dykes of Mandaleswar. 28th IGC, Washington, D.C. (Abs).
- Chandrasekharam, D. Ramesh, R. and Balasubramanian, J. 1989. Geochemistry, oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios of thermal springs of western continental margin of India – field and experimental results. 6th Water-Rock Interaction (Ed) D.L.Miles, A.A.Balkema. Pub. Co., The Netherlands, pp 149-154 .
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Viladkar, S.G. 1989. Constitution of the Precambrian crust below the Deccan volcanics – evidence from a composite dyke of Mandaleswar, Deccan volcanic province. in “Precambrian granitoids – petrogenesis, geochemistry and metallogeny, (Eds) I.Happala and Y Kahkonen, Geol. Sur. Finland Sp. Paper 8.
- Chandrasekharam, D., Ramanathan, A. and Selvakumar, R.L. 1992. Thermal springs in the Precambrian crystallines of western continental margin of India – field and experimental results. 6th Water – Rock Interaction (Eds) Y.Kharaka and A.Maest, A.A. Balkema, Pub.Co., The Netherlands, pp 1271-1274.
- Subbarao, K.V., Chandrasekharam, D. and Navaneethakrishnan, P. 1994. Stratigraphy and structure of parts of the central Deccan basalt province: eruptive models. in “Volcanism” (Ed) K.V.Subbarao, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, pp 331-332.
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Antu, M.C. 1995. Geochemistry of Tattapani thermal springs, Madhya Pradesh, India: Field and experimental investigations. Geothermics, 24, pp 553-559 .
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1995. Industrial applications of geothermal energy. Industrial Products Finder, 23, pp 223-225.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1995. A prehistoric view of the thermal springs of India.. Proceed. World Geothermal Congress (Eds) E.Barbier, G.Frey, E.Iglesias and G.Palmason. . Inter. Geothermal Assoc., 1, pp 385-388.
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Jayaprakash, S.J. 1996. Geothermal Energy assessment : Bugga and Manuguru thermal springs, Godavari valley, Andhra Pradesh. Geoth, Res. Bulletin, 25, pp 19-21
- Sheth, H.C. and Chandrasekharam, D. 1997. Plume-rift interaction in the Deccan volcanic province. Phy .Earth. Planet. Inter., 99, pp 179-187 .
- Sheth, H.C. and Chandrasekharam, D. 1997. Early alkaline magmatism in the Deccan Traps: Implications for plume incubation and lithosperic rifting. Phy. Earth. Planet. Inter., 104, pp 371-376 .
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Sheth, H. C. 1997. Significance of flow stratigraphy in deciphering erosional history of flood basalt province. IV International Conf. Geomorphology, Bologna, Italy (Abstract), 110.
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Prasad, S.R. 1998. Geothermal system in Tapi rift basin, Northern Deccan Province, India. 9th Water – Rock Interaction (Eds) G.B.Arehart and J.R. Hulston, A.A. Balkema, Pub.Co., The Netherlands, pp 667-670.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1998. Potential geothermal-HDR sites and prospects of geothermal energy in India. Inter. Geother. Ass. Newsletter , 30, 8-9.
- Fara, M., Chandrasekharam, D. and Minissale, A. 1999. Hydrogeochemistry of Damt thermal springs, Yemen Republic. Geothermics, 28, 241-252.
- Chandrasekharam, D., Mahoney, J. J., Sheth, H. C. and Duncan, R. A. 1999. Elemental and Nd-Sr-Pb isotope geochemistry of flows and dikes from the Tapi rift, Deccan flood basalt province, India. J. Volcanol.Geother.Res. 93, 111-123 .
- Chandrasekharam, D. 1999. A Prehistoric view of the Thermal Springs of India in “Stories from a Heated Earth” (Eds). R.Cataldi, S.F.Hodgson and J.Lund. Geothermal Resources Council Pub., California, 357-366.
- Mahoney, J. J., Sheth, H. C., Chandrasekharam, D. and Peng, Z.E. 2000. Geochemistry of flood basalts of the Toranmal section, Northern Deccan Traps, India: Implications for regional Deccan Stratigraphy. Jour. Petrol. 41, 1099-1120.
- Chandrasekharam, D., Vaselli, O., Sheth, H.C. and Kesav, S. 2000. Petrogenetic significance of ferro-enstatite orthopyroxene in basaltic dikes from the Tapi rift, Deccan flood basalt province, India. Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett. 179, 469- 476.
Minissale, A., Vaselli, O., Chandrasekharam, D., Magro, G., Tassi, F. and Casiglia, A. 2000. Origin and evolution of ” intracratonic” thermal fluids from central-western Peninsular India. Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett., 181, 377-394. - Chandrasekharam, D. 2000. Geothermal energy resources of India- Country update. Proceedings, World Geothermal Congress 2000, (Eds) E. Iglesias, D. Blackwell, T.Hunt, J.Lund, S.Tamanyu and K. Kimbara. pp- 133-145.
- Al-Khateeb, Y.A. and Chandrasekharam, D. 2000. Saltwater contamination in the coastal aquifer, Tihama plain, Wadi Surdud, Yemen Republic. In “Groundwater 2000” Proceed. (Eds). P.L.Bjerg, P.Engesgaard and T.D. Krom, A.A.Balkema Pub.Com. The Netherlands, pp 223-224.
- Chandrasekharam, D., Lekha, S. and Shah, S.D. 2000. Groundwater contamination due to salt-panning activity at Vasai-Palghar coastal zone, northern Mumbai, India. In “Groundwater 2000” Proceed. (Eds). P.L.Bjerg, P.Engesgaard and T.D. Krom, A.A.Balkema Pub.Com. The Netherlands, pp 233-234.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 2000. Geothermal energy resources of India- Opportunities for IPPs. Proceed. Geothermal Power Asia 2000 Conference, Manila, Philippines. February, 2000. 10p
- Chandrasekharam, D. Julie Karmakar., Berner, Z. and Stueben, D. Arsenic contamination in groundwater, Murshidabad district, West Bengal. Proceed. Water-Rock Interaction 10, (Ed. Cidu) A.A.Balkema, The Netherlands. 1051-1058.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 2001. Use of Geothermal energy for food processing- Indian Status. Geo-Heat Centre Quart. Bull., 22 (4), 8-11.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 2001. Helium extraction from thermal gases-Indian geothermal provinces. Inter. Geother. Asso. News Letter, June 2001.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 2001. HDR prospects of Himalaya Geothermal Province. International Geothermal days, Germany, Proceedins (Ed). Kril Popovski and Burkhard Sanner, 315-320.
- Book: “Geothermal Energy Resources for Developing Countries” Eds: D. Chandrasekharam and Jochen Bundschuh, AA Balkema Pub., The Netherlands, 412p.
- Minissale, A., Chandrasekharam, D., Vaselli, O., Magro, G., Tassi, F., Passini, G.L. and Bhrambat, A. 2003. Geochemistry, geothermics and relationship to active tectonics of Gujarat and Rajasthan thermal dischsrges, India. J. Vol.Geoher.Res., 127, 19-32.
- Doris Stueben, Zsolt Berner, Chandrasekharam, D. and Julie Karmakar. 2003. Arsenic pollution in groundwater of West Bengal, India: Geochemical evidences for mobilization of As under reducing conditions. App. Geochem. 18, 1417-1437.
- Hema T C., Chandrasekharam, D. and Jalihal, A. A. 2003. Fluoride contamination of groundwater in India- country update. Proceedings-Symposium on Intensive use of Groundwater: Challenges and Opportunities (sinex) Valencia – Spain; 10 to 14 December 2002 (p102-110).
- Doris Stüben., Zsolt Berner, Wagner,F., Norra, S., Agarwala, P., Chandrasekharam, D. and Chatterjee, D. 2003. Arsenic contamination in groundwater: A worldwide calamity. (Abst-Extended). 7th Inter. Conf. Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE), Uppsala, Sweden, June 15-19, 2003.
- Chandrasekharam, D. and M. A. Alam. 2003. Direct Utilization of Geothermal Energy Resources – NW Himalayas, India. Geother. Res. Council Trans., 27, pp. 81-83.
- Chandrasekharam, D. Alam, M.A. and Minissale, A.2003. Geothermal resources potential of Himachal Pradesh. In Multiple integrated use of geothermal resources (Eds). I.B. Fridleifsson and E.T.
Eliasson, International Geothermal Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, Sept. 2003, pp. 15-19. Al-Kebsi A.Y., Al-Aawah, M.A.H and Chandrasekharam, D. 2003. Saltwater contamination in the coastal aquifer, Tihama plains, Wadi Surdud, Republic of Yemen. University of Sana’a Faculty of Science Bull., 16, 111-123.
- Sheth, H.C., Mahoney, J. J. and Chandrasekharam, D.. Geochemical stratigraphy of Deccan flood basalts of the Bijasan Ghat section, Satpura range-India. J. Asian Earth Sci., 23, 127-139.
- Hema Tiwari Chaturvedi and Chandrasekharam, D. 2004. Geochemistry and genesis of high fluoride groundwater in parts of morel river basin, Rajasthan, India. 6th Int. Conf. on Hydroscience and Engineering (ICHE-2004), May 30-June 3, Brisbane, Australia.
- Hema Tiwari Chaturvedi and Chandrasekharam, D. 2004. Mobilization of F- from rocks and soils in to groundwater, Morel river basin, Rajasthan, India. Proceed. 11th Water Rock Interaction (Ed) R.B.Wanty and R.R. Seal II, A.A. Balkema Pub. 389-392.
- Alam, M.A., Chandrasekharam, D. and Minissale, A. 2004. Geothermal potential of thermal waters of Manikaran, Himachal Pradesh, India. Proceed. 11th Water Rock Interaction (Ed) R.B.Wanty and R.R. Seal II, A.A. Balkema Pub. 327-331.
- Chandrasekharam, D., Jalihal A.A., and Hema T Chaturvedi. 2004. High fluoride concentration in groundwater around Hungund-Ilkal area, Bagalkot district, Karnataka. Fluoride (in press).
- Chandrasekharam, D., Alam, M A. and Minissale, A. 2005. Thermal Discharges at Manikaran, Himachal Pradesh, India. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress Antalya, Turkey, 24-29 April 2005, 7 pp.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 2005. Geothermal Energy Resources of India: Past and the Present. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress Antalya, Turkey, 24-29 April 2005, 5 pp.
- Norra, S., Berner, Z.A., Agarwala, P., Wagner, F., Chandrasekharam, D. and Stüben, D. 2005. Impact of irrigation with As rich groundwater on soil and crops: a geochemical case study in Maldah District, West Bengal App. Geochem. 20, 1890-1906.
- Hema T Chaturvedi, Chandrasekharam, D and Jalihal, A.A. 2005. Fluoride contamination of groundwater in India- country update In “Groundwater Intensive Use” 2005. (Eds). A. Sahuquillo, J. Capilla, L. Martínez-Cortina & X. Sánchez-Vila, Taylor and Francis Pub., p 237-245
- Book: Natural Arsenic in Groundwater: Occurrences, Remediation and Management. 2005. (Eds). J. Bundschuh, P. Bhattacharya and D. Chandrasekharam, Taylor & Francis Group Pub., London, ISBN 04 1536 700 X, 339 p
Chapter in a Book:
- Mukherjee, A.B., Bhattacharya, P., Jacks Gunnar, Banerjee, D.M., Ramanathan, A.L., Mahanta, C.,Chandrashekharam, D. and Ravi Naidu. 2006.. Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in India: Extent and Severity (Chapter 33) in “Managing Arsenic In The Environment: From Soils to Human Health” (eds). R. Naidu, E. Smith, G. Owens, P. Bhattacharya and P. Nadebaum. CSIRO Pub., Australia. 664 p.
- Michael D Higgins and Chandrasekharam, D. 2007. Nature of subvolcanic magma chambers, Deccan Province, India: Evidence from quantitative textural analysis of Plagioclase megacrysts in the Giant Plagioclase Basalt. J. Petrol., 48, 885-900.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 2007. Geo-mythology of India. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 273, 29–37.
- Chandrasekharam, D. 2007. Pathway of Arsenic from water to food, West Bengal, India. In U. Aswathanarayana (Ed). “Food and water security: An integrated strategy for food security in the developing countries”, Taylor and Francis Pub., London, 63-70.
- Chandrasekharam, D., Anita Joshi and Varun Chandrasekhar. 2007. Arsenic content in groundwater and soils of Ballia, Uttar Pradesh. Proceed. 12th Water Rock Interaction (Ed) Thomas D. Bullen and Yanxin Wang. Talylor and Francis Pub., London, 1021-1025.
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Varun Chandrasekhar. 2007. Enhanced Geothermal Resources: Indian Scenario. Geothermal Res. Council Trans., 31, 271-273.
- Saji, S. and Chandrasekharam, D. 2008: High fluoride groundwater of karbi-Anglong distrct, Assam, NE India: source characterization in “Groundwater for Sustainable Development: Problems, Perspectives and Challenges” (Eds). P. Bhattacharya, A.L. Ramanathan, J. Bundschuh, D. Chandrasekharam, A.K Keshari and A. B Mukherjee. Taylor and Francis Pub. London.
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Varun Chandrasekhar, 2008. Geothermal resources in India: Possibilities for direct use in the Himalayas in Proceedings “ UNU-GTP and TBLRREM-TBGMED Workshop for Decision Makers on Direct Heating Use of Geothermal Resources in Asia”, Tianjin, China, 11-18 May, 2008″ (ed) I.B.Fridleifsson, D.H.Holm, Wang Kun and Zhang Baiming (CD).
- D. Chandrasekharam and J. Bundschuh 2008. “ Low Enthalpy Geothermal Resources for Power generation” Taylor and Francis Pub., U.K. 169 pp.
- Chandrasekhar, V. and Chandraseklharam, D. 2008. Enhanced geothermal resources in NE Deccan Province, India 2008. Geothermal Res. Council Trans, 32, 71-75.
- Chandrasekharam, D. Alba P. Santo, A.P., Capaccioni, B., Vaselli,O., Alam, M.A. , Manetti, P. and Tassi, F. 2009. Volcanological and Petrological Evolution of Barren Island (Andaman Sea, Indian Ocean. J. Asian Earth Sci., 35, 469- 487.
- Gloria, E T., Chandrasekharam, D., Ayonghe, S.N. and Thambidurai, P. 2009. Pollution characteristics of alluvial groundwater from springs and bore wells in semi-urban informal settlements of Douala, Cameroon, Western Africa. Environ Earth Sci., DOI 10.1007/s12665-009-0342-8
- Varun Chandrasekhar1 and Chandrasekharam, D. 2009. Geothermal Systems in India. Geothermal. Res. Council Trans, 33, 607-610.
- Alam, M.A. and Chandrasekharam, D. 2010. Comment on ‘‘Thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence signals from volcanic ash: History of volcanism in Barren Island, Andaman Sea’’ Quat. Geochron,.5, 283–284
- Farooq, S. H., Chandrasekharam, D., Norra, S., Eiche, E., Berner, Z., Thambidurai, P. and Stüben, D. 2010. Temporal variations in arsenic concentration in the groundwater of Murshidabad District, West Bengal, India . Environ. Earth Sci., DOI 10.1007/s12665-010-0516-4
- Farooq, S.H., Chandrasekharam, D., Berner, Z., Norra, S., Stüben, D. 2010. Effect of traditional agricultural practices in mobilization of arsenic from sediments to groundwater in Bengal Delta. Water Research, doi: 10.1.1016/j.waters.201.05.057
- Singh, H.K. and Chandrasekharam, D. 2010. Evaluation of Tuwa geothermal system through water-rock interaction experiment. Proceed. Water-Rock Interaction 13 ( Eds. P. Birkle and Torres-Alvarado (eds) Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-60426-0
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Chandrasekhar, V. 2010. Geothermal Energy Resources, India: Country Update. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2010 Bali, Indonesia (CD)
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Chandrasekhar, V. 2010. Hot Dry Rock Potential in India: Future Road Map to Make India Energy Independent. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2010 Bali, Indonesia (CD)
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Chandrasekhar, V. 2010. Can Geological Radioactive Waste Disposal Sites Be Used as EGS Sites? Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2010 Bali, Indonesia (CD)
- Chandrasekhar, V. and Chandrasekharam, D. 2010. Energy Independence Through CDM Using Geothermal Resources: Indian Scenario. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2010 Bali, Indonesia (CD)
- Chandrasekharam, D. and Varun Chandrasekhar, 2010 Geochemistry of Thermal Springs of Orissa, India. Geother. Resources Council Trans., 34, 665-668.
- Sen, G. and Chandrasekharam, D. 2011. Deccan Traps Flood Basalt Province: An Evaluation of the Thermochemical Plume Model. Chapter 2 In “Topics in Petrology” (Eds) Jyotisankar Ray, Gautam Sen and Biswajit Ghosh. Springer Pub. 29-53
- Pooja,V.K, Sheth, H.C., Badrealam, S, Poonam, M., Trupti,G. and Chandrasekharam, D. 2011. Spherulitic pitchstones from the Deccan Traps, India: Petrochemistry and emplacement environments Bull. Volcanol (in press).
- Farooq, S. H., Chandrasekharam, D., Abbt-Braun, G., Berner, Z., Norra, S. and Stüben, D. 2011. DOC from traditional jute processing technique and its potential influence on arsenic contamination in Bengal Delta. App. Geochem (in press).
- Pasvanoğlu S, Chandrasekharam, D (2011) Hydrogeochemical and isotopic study of thermal and mineralized waters from the Nevşehir (Kozakli) area, Central Turkey. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 202, 241-250.
Title Of Thesis Supervised/Supervising
- Geochemistry of thermal springs along the west coast of India, Maharashtra,India (1993; A. Ramanathan)
- Flow stratigraphy, geochemistry and paleomagnetism of Central Deccan Volcanics and evolution model for Deccan Volcanism (1994; P.Navaneethakrishnan).
- Evaluation of groundwater resources along northern coastal region of Bombay (1995; Lekha Siraz).
- Saltwater intrusion studies along the coastal hard rock aquifer, Maharashtra, India (1995; Siraz).
- Geochemistry, petrogenesis, stratigraphy and structure of Deccan Flood Basalts of the Western Satpura -Tapi region, India (1998; Hetu C Sheth).
- Geology and Geochemistry of metavolcanics and associated sulphide ores of Kalyadi and Ingaldhal, Karnataka State, South India (1999; Biju Mathew).
- Saltwater intrusion in coastal areas: The use of SHARP, a Quasi 3D finite difference model to simulate fresh water and saltwater flow in Wadi Surdud, Yemen Republic (2000; Al-Khateeb).
- Mineralogy and geochemistry of soils associated with different climatic regions of Maharashtra (2000; M.Swaminathan).
- Fluoride contamination in groundwater, Hungund, Karnataka. (2002: Jalihal, A.A)
- Fluoride contamination in groundwater, Morel river basin, Rajasthan (2004: Hema C. T).
- Fluoride contamination in groundwatee, Karbi-Anglom, Assam (2007: Saji, S)
- Geochemistry of Barren Island volcanics and fumeroles, Andaman Sea (2008: A.Alam)
- Arsenic uptake by crops in relation to soil types, West Bengal (2010 Syed Hilal Farooq).
- Hydro geochemistry and microbiological evaluation of groundwater in the unconfined urban aquifer system of Douala-Cameroon. (Ms. Gloria Eyong E. Takem, Univ. Buea, Cameroon, TWAS Fellow: in progress).
- Arsenic content in groundwater of Mizoram, NE India ( Thanmbidurai in progress)
- Geo-Sequestration of carbon dioxide in coal seams ( Bala Murali in progress: jointly with Monash Univ. Australia)
- Geothermal energy resources assessment, Bihar & Jharkhand ( Hemant Kumar Singh; in progress)
- Arsenic contamination in groundwater, Manipur ( Chandrasekhar Azad Kashayp, in progress)
- A numerical study of creation of optimal fracture networks for heat extraction from engineered geothermal reservoirs ( Banambar Singh, IITB Monash, In progress)
- Hydrochemistry of groundwater in Tigray region, Northern Ethiopia (PDF: Dr. Dessie Nedaw, C V Raman Fellow. 2011)
- Ore geochemistry and Cu partitioning between host rock and liquid phase at various salinity levels of a sulphide deposit, Ingaldhal, Karnataka (1992; Haragopal).
- Geochemistry of sulphide deposit and solubility of silver and associated sulphides in NaCl solutions, Ingaldhal (1993; M.C.Antu).
- Geothermal energy and its application to small scale industry: a case study: Agnigundala thermal springs, Andhra Pradesh (1995; S.A.Jayaprakash).
- Groundwater potential zonation in the coastal aquifer of Srivardhan, Raigarh district,Maharashtra- A GIS approach (1998; Lalitendu Dash).
- Study of recent foraminifera and ambient water chemistry of Kavaratti and Minicoy islands, Lakshadweep, India (1998; Diman Majumdar).
- Arsenic contamination in groundwater, west Bengal (2000:IITB-DAAD sandwich programme; Juli Karmakar).
- Study of heavy metals in groundwater, Nashik District, Maharashtra (2000; S.Suchismita).
- Geoexploration for diamonds in kimberlites from Mainpur area, Raipur, Chhattisgarh State.( 2001: K.C.Vinod).
- Arsenic contamination in groundwater, norther part of West Bengal (2002: DAAD-IITB collaborative programme, Manabesh C).
- Arsenic uptake by food crops: Noida district, West Bengal (2003: DAAD-IITB Programme, Paramita A).
- Fluoride contamination in groundwater-Bilwara, Rajasthan (2003; Sengupta, S.)
- Fluoride contamination of groundwater in and around Kinwat, Nanded district, Maharashtra ( 2004: M. Sukla)
- Arsenic contamination in groundwater, Balia district, Uttar Pradesh (2005: Anita Joshi)
- Arsenic contamination in groundwater and uptake of arsenic by food crops , Malda district,West Bengal. (W. Dhanachandra: 2006 DAAD fellow)
- Fluoride contamination in and around Anugual district, Orissa. ( Jogeshwar Kumbhar, 2007).
- Petrological study and reconstruction of subsurface lithological sequence of upper Godavari Basin using drill cores (Banambar Singh, 2010
- Reconstructiojn of subsurface lithoilogy of Godavari Basin between Aswaraopet, Draksharamam and Mandipet using drill cores ( Deepika Singh, 2010)
- High heat generating granites of Gugi, Ukkinal (Karnataka) and Rajapur (Maharashtra) and their bearing on the evolution of Rajapur thermal springs (Yadvendra Kumar, 2011)
- Geochemistry and evolution of thermal springs in Pranhita-Godavari Basin( Bidyut Mohato, 2012)
- Assessment of U, Th content in granites of Parts of Rajsthan and its bearing on the heat generation and geothermal systems ( Gautam Garg, 2012)
- Arsenic contamination in groundwater of Indravati river basin, Chhattisgarh ( Arindam Gosh, 2012)
M.Sc Dissertations:
- Geochemistry of surface, subsurface and hot springs, west coast of India, Maharashtra (1988; S.Balasubramaniam).
- Petrology of Ezhimala igneous complex, Kerala (1988; S.Kannan).
- Chemical characteristics of thermal springs around Anhoni-Samoni and Anhoni, Madhya Pradesh (1989; Srinivasan).
- Geochemistry of Tandur volcanics, Andhra Pradesh (1990; Shivakumar).
- Chemical characteristics of thermal springs of Puttur, Karnataka (1991; R.L.Selvakumar).
- Geochemistry of Tattapani thermal springs, Madhya Pradesh, India: Field and experimental investigations (1992; M.C.Antu).
- Hydrogeochemistry of Tuwa and Tulsi Shyam thermal springs, Gujarat (1993).
- Hydrogeochemistry of Shahada and Chopda thermal springs. (1994;Deepak Das).
- Geochemistry of Taptapani thermal springs, Orissa (1995).
- Hydrogeochemistry of coastal aquifers, Bombay island (1996).
- Hydrogeochemistry of Thana-Belapur coast, Maharashtra (1996).
- Petrology of basic dikes of Dhule, Deccan Volcanic Province. (1997; Shantanu Kesav).
- Hydrochemistry of thermal springs, Tapi rift, Jalgaon, , Maharashtra (1997; Sheel Ranjan Prasad).
- Hydrogeochemistry of geothermal springs, northern part of Bombay, Maharashtra, (1998; Julie Karmakar).
- Comparative petrographic study of xenoliths occurring in alkali olivine basalts from central Bhuj (Kutch), west coast (Murud-Janjhira) and in basalts from Powai (1999; K.C.Vinod).
- Hydrogeochemistry of thermal springs in Unkeswar, Nanded District, Maharashtra, (1999; Saikat Das).
- Hydrogeochemical studies of natural waters in and around Powai and Saki Naka, Mumbai, Maharashtra (1999; Smita Chakraborty ).
- Hydrogeochemistry of Rajgir thermal springs, Bihar, India (2000; Manabesh Chawdhury).
- Hydrogeochemistry of thermal springs in and around Sohana area, Gurgaon District, Haryana. (2001; Basudeb Datta).
- Hydrochemistry of thermal springs, Manikaran, Himachal Pradesh (2002; Ayaz Alam).
- Hydrogeochemistry of thermal waters, Surajkund, Bihar ( 2003; Saumitri Sarkar).
- Petrology of Godhra granite and hydrochemistry of associated thermal springs, Tuwa, Gujarat ( Kaustav Gosh, 2007)
- Petrography and melt inclusion study on GPB of Igatpuri, Nasik, Maharashtra (S. Mahapatra, 2007)
- Melt inclusions in picrites from Warangishi, Deccan basalt province ( 2007).
- Hydrochemistry of thermal springs, Vajreswari ( 2008, Sonu Roy)
- Fluoride contamination in groundwater, Nanded (2008, Atulkumar Anurag).
- Arsenic and fluoride content in thermal springs of west coast and its bearing on their geochemical evolution ( Shasank Nath, 2011)
Teaching Profile
Courses offered:
The courses offered at M.Sc., M.Tech. and Ph.D. levels are: Igneous petrology; hydrogeochemistry; geothermics; global trectonics; mineralogy and crystal optics; marine mineral resources.
Thesis Supervision
As a part of the course curriculum, M.Sc, and M.Tech., students have to work on a project, submit a thesis and defend it before a panel of external examiners. Grades are assigned to the project. The project has a field as well as laboratory components. The results of the projects are presented at conferences and/or published in journals. The choice of selecting a project rests with the students. I supervise thesis related to groundwater, igneous petrology, water-rock interaction and geothermal energy resources. M.Tech. projects are assigned keeping in mind the needs of various industries in this country. List of thesis supervised are listed in appendix 2 above.
Course evaluation Scheme
The courses offered to the students are evaluated each semester by the students “under course evaluation” scheme. This is done mainly to get feed-back from the students regarding the course content, level of teaching, suggestions to improve the course content and methods of teaching. Based on the data, thus collected over a period of 3 to 4 years, the course structure is improved and new concepts are introduced. This scheme is followed for M.Sc. and M.Tech programmes. My over all rating is above 90%.
Ph.D. Programme
As a part of partial fulfillment of the programme, the students submit a thesis and defend it before a panel of external examiners. I supervised thesis related to groundwater resources and geothermal resources evaluation and igneous petrology. List of Ph.D. thesis supervised are listed in appendix 2.
Education Technology Programme
Under this programme, course modules are prepared on videotapes for the benefit of students registering under “self-study” programme. Some of the topics which are in demand by the students have been prepared by me and are listed below:
- Determination of optical properties of minerals using 3 axes universal stage (45 minutes).
- Saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers: mechanism of intrusion and case histories from coastal laterite aquifer of Kerala (60 minutes).
- Geochemical evolution of thermal springs, estimation of reservoir temperature using geochemical thermometers and geothermal energy assessment (90 minutes).
New Course
There is a growing interest among the students to get in-depth knowledge in hydrogeochemistry and low temperature reactions between rocks and meteoric water. I formulated syllabi for two course (GS 530: Hydrogeochemistry; GS 630: Geothermics) along with my colleagues. These two courses are being offered to 2nd M.Sc and M.Tech. graduates.
Low temperature experimental lab
To support the theory course, I have developed an experimental lab to conduct low temperature reactions at atmospheric pressure between rocks and water. A couple of my students have completed their thesis work using this facility and the data has been published.
Administrative responsibilities ( details in Appendix 1)
Appointed as the Chair, Department of Earth Sciences, between 2000-2003. Duties includes administrative responsibilities, research and developmental activities of the department; development of interaction between the department and the industries and govt. agencies; development of staff and faculty structure of the department and curriculum development; infra structural development of the department.
Departmental Post Graduate Committee (DPGC) and Under graduate committee (DUGC) review various academic programmes and makes necessary changes in course content, keeping in view the recent developments in the field of earth sciences. The curricula are revised once in three years. Department Chair is the Convener of DPGC and DUGC..
Faculty Advisor
It is mandatory for each faculty member to be faculty advisor for M.Sc., M.Tech. and Ph.D students. The duty of the faculty advisor is to guide the students in choosing appropriate courses, assess coarse lode, help academically weak students to cope-up with load etc.
I was a faculty advisor for 5 years for M.Sc., M.Tech. and at present faculty advisor for Ph.D students.
Class room seminars
Over the past several years I realized that the students’ are not cultivating the habit of reading and understanding publications appearing in various journals. In order to overcome this problem, I assign a seminar topic relevant to the course (which needs extensive reference work) to students and hold discussions on the topic in the class and assign marks. I have been successful in this programme and these seminars are being appreciated by the students as well.
Undergraduate geology programme
We offer first degree geology course to engineering graduates with an aim to strengthen the skills of those who will be involved in civil construction projects (buildings, dams, tunnels etc.). I offer this course depending on the teaching and research loads.
In summary, ~60% of my time is allotted to teaching, academic and administrative work and rest ~40% is devoted to research. This scheme is generally followed by all the faculty members of this Institute.