GP 505: Electromagnetic Methods
Differential and Integral forms of Maxwell’s Equations and Boundary conditions, Wave and Diffusion Equation, Introduction to Electromagnetic profiling and sounding methods; TURAM, SLINGRAM, VLF-EM techniques; Instrumentation for Electromagnetic field surveys; Telluric, Magnetotelluric (MT) and Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) methods of geophysical exploration; MT theory; Origin of the MT and telluric fields; Field instruments and operation for telluric, MT and TEM surveys; Data Processing and Interpretation of telluric, MT and TEM data and their uses in various geophysical studies; Introduction to Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) technique for very shallow geophysical investigations.
- J. A. Edminister, Schaum’s Outline on Electromagnetics 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Book Co., 2004
- W.M. Telford, L.P.Geldart, and R.E.Sheriff, Applied Geophysics, Cambridge Univ. Press 1990
- M.B. Dobrin, and C.H. Savit, Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting, McGraw Hill, 1988
- Electromagnetic induction methods, SEG Vols 1-3, Society of Exploration. Geophysicists, 1988
- T. Rikitake, R. Sato and Y. Hagiwara, Applied Mathematics for Earth Scientists, Terra Scientific Publishing Company, Tokyo, 1987
- G. V. Keller, Electrical Methods of Geophysical Prospecting, Pergamon Press, 1980