GS 422: Process Geomorphology, Remote Sensing and GIS


Concepts in process geomorphology, chemical weathering and soil formation, slope processes, drainage basin morphometry, major processes and associated landforms: tectonic, fluvial, aeolian, coastal, karst and glacial. Electro magnetic radiation and remote sensing: interaction of EMR with atmosphere and terrain features, platforms and sensors, resolution and calibration aspects of remotely sensed data, photogrammetry, aerial photo interpretation, satellite remote sensing, fundamentals of digital image processing and classification, introduction to Geographic Information System, spatial data models and data structures, visualization and query of spatial data, overlay analyses, geological applications of remotely sensed data and GIS. 


  • Ritter,D.F., Kochel,R.C.,Miller,J.R., Process Geomorphology, Waveland press, 2002
  • Bloom,A.L., Geomorphology: A systematic Analysis of Late Cenozoic Landforms, Printice Hall, 2003
  • Joseph,G., Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, University Press, 2005
  • Lillesand, T.M. and Kiefer, R.W. Remote sensing and Image Interpretation, John Wiley, 1987
  • Pandey, S.N. Principles and Applications of Photogeology, Wiley Eastern, 1987
  • Bonham Carter, G.F. GIS for Geoscientists- Modelling with GIS, Elsevier, 1994